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Avant-Garde Kitchen Designs

AG INTERIORS modern kitchens

Avant-Garde Kitchens



Avant-Garde is proud to be the sole North American distributor of Defuro, who since 1926 have been the authority on beautiful, well-crafted kitchens in China and around the world.  Their modern, German styled kitchens follow the European standard, and always feature the latest looks and design elements found in the most beautiful kitchens in Europe… all custom designed to fit your needs and give you the kitchen of your dreams, at prices that have to be seen to be believed.  We invite you to read about the history and incredible design ethic behind the Defuro experience. Defuro, a visionary, world class company proudly brought to you by Avant-Garde Home Furnishings.​



Experience makes those who work for human happiness the happiest people. Regardless of the trend of the times or social fashion design ideas, people always have the  noble quality of walking their own way beyond time and  society. In 1919, the German famous architect, design the oretician Walter Gropius founded ‘Staatliche Bauhaus, later,  changing the name for ‘Hochschule für Gestaltung’, it is‘  Bauhaus’​



The Bauhaus became the world's first college building for the and called this idea a design language without borders.​The development of modern contemporary, design education. This marked the birth of modern design and influenced tremendously the development of modern design. Today the Bauhaus school not only refers to building in which it is housed, but it is advocates a general view or style of architecture, it focuses on the union of design and function. The Bauhaus style collected European modernistic designs,



In 1926, Frankfurt, Germany began to do comprehensive construction projects, where architect, Margarete Schuette-Lihotzky first proposed  today’s modern kitchen  cabinet concepts. She believed we should cook and eat in an independent room and designed the first kitchen cabinets which were highly identified by the government  and have been popular ever since In 1930, the government used kitchen cabinet for building  10,000 apartments for its citizens and propelled Germany into the world cradle of Kitchen Cabinets, completely under  the influence of the Bauhaus concept. Today, Germany has the world’s top level kitchen cabinet designs and concepts, just as Benz, BMW, with cars, and represent the highest standards of the Kitchen Cabinet modern world industry.​



Defuro continues the Bauhaus concept, Focuses on the high quality, craftsmanship, and meticulous detail. We use extremely modern fashion designs, but also make sure that they are functional, highly durable, and user friendly. We set people free from multifarious, boring, kitchen work and we put them into a highly fashionable, modern, beautiful, functioning kitchen where they can cook in comfort and enjoy this once boring work or chore.​



The modern-contemporary kitchen

The Black & White Kitchen

The High Impact-Colorful Kitchen

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